Friday, October 15, 2010

Water Table Exploration

More tubes and funnels were added to the water table today. In this video clip you can see the children experimenting with moving the water through the funnels and tubes. It's interesting to see them  manipulate the tools, observe what happens, pause in thought, and then further explore moving the water. Numerous children visited this center this week and our hope is to continue to add various tubes and containers to enhance the experience and encourage children to connect the objects in innovative ways.  If you have any plastic tubing that would work with water (or be large enough for marbles) we would be happy to have it!

We also explored the concept of moving objects through materials with an empty water table and marbles earlier in the week.

We used every day objects like tubing, plastic jugs with the bottoms cut off, and marbles.

Check out the marble flying through the air!

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