Sunday, November 7, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

Our school is participating in the project "Operation Christmas Child". This goal of this endeavour is to fill a shoebox with items that can be delivered to a child in need somewhere in the world. You can learn more about this worthwhile cause here. As a way of building empathy and care in our children we have decided to fill a class box. We voted last Thursday to fill the box with items for a girl (age range 5-9) and filled it with various extra items from our classroom (crayons, pencils, scissors) together. As we are currently discussing measurement in math, we also decided to link this concept to the project and discussed items that would and would not fit inside a shoe box. Once all our items are collected we will work together to fit them together in the small space.

Mrs. Alaoui and Miss Halupka explain what Operation Christmas Child is to our class.

Miss Halupka records the children's ideas for what might be good items to send in our box.

The completed list of items we brainstormed for our box.
We feel working together to fill and send our box along with the others collected by the school is an excellent community building activity for our children as we work together to better the life of a child somewhere in the world. If you are willing to donate one or two items for our box, we would greatly appreciate it!  We are hoping to have our box ready by November 11. Thank you for your continued support of our children and program!

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