Friday, November 26, 2010

Tiny Town

The children spent much time today working together to create a tiny town on our carpet (what's become a favourite activity for many). They combined the train tracks, car mat, wooden and foam blocks, cars, and little animals together to make a real town.  Many spent their entire play time working together!

One child decided to create a movie theatre for animals. Another child helped her find a book about animals to pretend was the big video being projected on the screen. "They'll love a movie about animals!" the child explained to the other. What great thinking!

Some Ontario Curriculum fulfilled by this activity includes:

1.2 demonstrate the ability to take
turns in activities and discussions
(e.g., engage in play activities with
others, listen to peers and adults)

2.5 interact cooperatively with others
in classroom events and activities
(e.g., offer and accept help in
group situations, engage in
small- and large-group games
and activities, participate in
democratic decision making)

3.2 recognize places and buildings
within their community, both
natural and human-made, and talk
about their functions (e.g., farm,
church, hospital, mosque, sweat
lodge, arena, mine, cave)

G3.4 build three-dimensional
structures using a variety of
materials and begin to recognize
the three-dimensional figures their
structure contains

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