Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Encouraging Drawing and Writing

In order to encourage letter awareness (recognition, sound/letter relationships) we placed a number of writing materials out at our centers today.

One of the children's favourites is using the overhead machine. Today we gave them transparencies and non-permanent markers and invited them to draw and write their ideas and then share them with others using the overhead machine.

We also placed foam floating letters in the water table.  The children quickly realized that the wet letters would stick to the sides of the table. They spelled many words but the most common was their name!

After reading the book "The Jacket I Wear in the Snow" we placed mini-booklets with the same cover, writing materials, and a chart with felt pieces and words at the writing area. Many children spent time creating their own version of the book by copying the various clothing words and drawing their own pictures to match. This was a great way to encourage them to retell and discuss the text, match pictures to words, and practice writing familiar words.

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