Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are Retell

We read the story "Where the Wild Things Are" today. In order to encourage the children to practice identifying the elements of the story (character, setting) and retelling the story in sequence, we turned our sand table into the book's setting!

The children created the characters and setting at our art table.

Experimenting with how to make tall trees.

Drawing the characters.

Referring to the book to double check what the characters and setting looked like.

The Wild Things in their treetops.

Max's Bedroom

In the story Max gets sent to his room for acting like a 'wild thing'. In his imagination he crosses a river in a boat to the land where Wild Things live. After becoming king of the Wild Things he gets homesick and goes back home. You can see in the following picture how the children have done an excellent job of depicting the setting of the story.

Retelling it together!

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