Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fighting Island

Yippee!  We have been approved for our end of the year field trip to Fighting Island! I had the pleasure of attending training for this field trip back in the fall, and I can honestly say it is the most amazing experience I believe a field trip can offer young children. We will explore the natural elements of an island that has been reclaimed including an analysis of pond water using microscopes, an animal track hunt (complete with making a plaster of paris print), a bug exploration, an examination of local wildlife, and a short hike. We will leave our school first thing in the morning and return just before the dismissal bell at the end of the day.

We will be in need of one adult supervisor per student. Please save the date of May 9 and plan to attend this amazing experience! We will be ferried to the island so please plan on staying the whole day. If you cannot come, your child's special relative (grandparent, aunt/uncle, etc.) is more than welcome to come in your place!

To learn more about Fighting Island, please visit the following link:  Fighting Island

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