Saturday, April 9, 2011

Signs of Spring

It's supposed to be a nicer weekend than what we've had lately. We are encouraging children to bring 'signs of spring' into the classroom. We are hoping they bring pictures of themselves playing outside in spring weather, evidence of spring from the outdoors (e.g., a budding branch, a picture of flowers blooming in the garden) and any other information to help us understand the changing of the season. We want to add these signs of spring to our calendar wall. Any help or support you can provide is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

After my visit to the Bishop Strachan School in Toronto this week, I have become inspired to create an even more child-centered classroom environment to support our children's wonderful ideas and inquiries. We are hoping to enhance the building experiences we offer children by providing more natural materials for them to explore including small, smooth landscaping rocks, sliced tree trunks, driftwood, and any other materials that you think would inspired creativity and innovation in our children's creations. If you have any of these materials and would be willing to donate them to our program, it would be greatly appreciated!  Thank you!

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