Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Found Materials

I look. I search. I hope to see something that appeals to me.
Something unique - or maybe not.
Buttons, milk caps, straws - the lot.
A blue-green shape just caught my eye.
I don't think I can pass it by.
Whatever it is, it makes me glad.
And so, I'll put it in my bag!
~Rita Harris


Families, please keep us in mind when spring cleaning over the next little bit. We still have big plans for your little ones and are in need of lots of items for our science and art areas. We would also be grateful if you would keep this list in mind over the summer and save items for us for our September start-up next year.  We need:
  • boxes of all sizes
  • the fronts of greeting cards
  • paper towel and wrapping paper rolls
  • buttons
  • plastic bottle caps
  • plastic cups and bowls of all shapes and sizes
  • scraps of fabric (We would love a wallpaper or fabric sampler book!)
  • ribbon
  • beads
  • feathers
  • washers, nuts, bolts
  • plastic tubing of all shapes and sizes
  • colourful rocks and stones
  • paper juice can lids (metallic circles)
  • game board pieces
  • random metallic things (e.g., keys, springs)
  • wood scraps
We love everything and are so appreciative of your help. Thank you for supporting our children and program! We couldn't do it without you!

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