Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still Life Tulips

I love to have spring bulbs in the house to brighten up the winter months! I thought that this particular pot of tulips would be lovely to inspire some still life drawing and painting.

 Because we have our drawing/writing materials sorted by colour, it was easy for Cadence to choose what she thought would be a best match for representing on her paper what she was seeing in real life.

A great strategy she used was to hold up the drawing tool to the tulips in order to select the best colour match possible.

She experimented with drawing the tulips using crayons, coloured pencils, and markers.

When it was time to paint, we discussed how to get the perfect shade of pink to represent the flowers. We started out by adding a tiny bit of red to our pot of white paint.

 We mixed....

...and added more red....

...and saw if it was a match...

...and added more red....

...and mixed and mixed and mixed....

...and checked...

...until finally we created the perfect shade of pink.

It was interesting to compare the still life pictures that Cadence felt were her best and discuss how her representations evolved with each experience, and how the selection of tools/materials helped to create as rich a representation as possible!

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