Thursday, March 14, 2013

Patterns Around the House

I've been continuing to explore the possibilities with our new ipad app, Pic Collage. Today Cadence and I had some fun scavenger hunts around the house looking for, and finding patterns. We played the game this way. First I secretly found some interesting patterns from around our house and compiled them using the Pic Collage app. Here is a screen shot of what it looked like:

Cadence was able to search the house and see if she could spot where the patterns were. Her initial observations of the patterns were really interesting to hear. She noticed how size, shapes, and colours repeated and expressed what the pictures reminded her of.

It was so much fun to search the house and compare objects to the patterns and see if her guess was right!

When she had found all nine patterns we switched and she created her own pic collage with nine patterns that I had to then find. It was a great way to infuse patterning with technology and help us to become more comfortable using the ipad!

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