Friday, December 6, 2013

Shaving Cream Building

We put out two materials on the table today and were curious to see what the children would do. Shaving cream and blocks are an unlikely combination but 'oh so' exciting!

Although this can be a messy activity, the  shaving cream easily washes from skin and clothing. The children generated many hypotheses for why they thought the blocks stuck together so well with the shaving cream. 

This is a fun activity for your child to do in the tub at bath time if they enjoyed it at school and are eager to try it again!

1 comment:

  1. As an Early Years in the UK, this activity looks fantastic and one I am going to try with my class. I have subscribed to your posts and wondered if you had a pinterest board with all your ideas on? I'd love to repin and share.

    Lisa Warner - my pinterest
