Friday, May 23, 2014

Technology in School

Preparing children for lives in an unknown future is exciting! One way we do this is by embedding technology into our inquiry-based program in as frequent and meaningful a way as possible. This week alone our children:

  • used Apple TV to explore YouTube videos related to current inquiries
  • search Google and Google Images for nonfiction information about animals and nests
  • took their own photos on a nature walk using the camera technology on an iPad
  • played interactive alphabet games on the SmartBoard
  • found familiar digital songs and stories using QR code technology at our iPad listening centre
  • co-constructed many of this blog's entries together with me
  • participated in the collection and observation of hundreds of digital photos and videos
  • learned about time lapsed photography 
  • used the Internet to learn about a Grade 2 class in California who also raised Painted Lady Butterflies

A interesting article was just forwarded to me that I thought many of you might find interesting. "Six reasons why kids should know how to blog" can be accessed at this address:

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