Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gentle Reminders

Happy November! It's hard to believe we are only 6 weeks away from Winter Break! The children have settled into our classroom routines nicely and we have a wonderful group to enjoy each day!

Please remember:

-that we try to have outdoor play each day and that children should dress for the weather especially as it becomes colder outside. Indoor shoes can be kept at school in cubbies for those children who would like to wear boots.

-morning supervision begins at 7:50 so children should not be arriving before this.

-we have begun work on alphabet recognition (upper and lower case letters) and a diagnostic assessment was sent home this week. We would encourage you to practise this with your children and are here if you have any questions or concerns.

-Scholastic book orders are due Friday, November 7. If you are ordering books as a gift for your child please let us know so we can deliver them to you in an envelope.

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