Friday, May 22, 2015

On Our Way!

Today we had 22 food items brought into our class! Thank you families! We placed them in groups of 5 during circle for easy counting. 

We now have a display placed in the front entrance of our school welcoming our community to join us in gathering food for The Downtown Mission. 

The first board describes our previous experience in December donating food to the holiday drive and how greatly that impacted our children. 

The second explains how worried our children were to learn of the new need The Mission had as outlined in last week's paper. It outlines their suggestions for how they might help, including the idea of asking the whole school to bring in food. 

The third contains posters that the children have made to share their thoughts on the cause and advocate for help. 

We couldn't be prouder! Stay tuned to see where next this journey leads!

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