Monday, November 23, 2015

Positive Growth Mindset

On Friday's PD day I had the pleasure of attending a meeting that discussed the importance of cultivating a positive growth mindset in children. We want children to develop resiliency and grit and realize that if they have a positive attitude and work hard, they can accomplish anything!

Today we used two mentor texts to help us see positive growth mindset in action. 

In The Most Magnificent Thing we meet a girl who works and works until she creates the most magnificent thing. She perseveres through failure and failure until her creation is perfect. 

In The Day My Mom Came to Kindergarten we meet a group of children who help a mom learn what to do at school after she makes mistake after mistake. The children show understanding in helping the mom learn about and practise all the different activities at school. "I'm proud of how hard you tried today mom!", the little girl acknowledges effort over natural ability helping the mom know that with a positive attitude and practise she can learn anything. 

We also showed and discussed the following inspirational video with the children. Please consider watching it together with your child and maybe sharing something that you've worked hard to learn and do in your life.


We also had a circle time discussion about things we've personally learned to do with practise.

We are hoping that our discussions regarding positive growth mindset will continue and become even more enriched as we read more books and discuss what this means in our own individual and collective context. We encourage any family member who is interested in discussing how a positive growth mindset helped them succeed at something to contact us. We'd love to host you!

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