Thursday, February 18, 2016

Gender Stereotype Inquiry


We have been engrossed in a very interesting inquiry for the last week regarding gender stereotypes. If you’d like to follow along with our explorations you can visit us on Twitter @McLennan1977. We need your help. We are hoping to show the children examples of people engaged in non-stereotyped activities. If you have any photos of your family members doing some of the following we’d greatly appreciate if you could send them in for us to discuss: -men taking care of babies or children
-women engaged in yard work or fixing the car
-boys playing with dolls or dressing up
-girls playing with cars and trucks
-anything else that you can think of that would be interesting
 We have also turned our drama centre back into a house and would appreciate dress up clothing for the children to use. We are not interested in commercial-type costumes like superhero outfits or princess dresses but rather real adult clothing that you no longer need that would be of interest to the children (e.g., old bridesmaid dresses, purses, pants, shoes).  We are hoping to empower our children to realize that we are all capable of fulfilling our potential and experiencing life to the fullest and should not be limited by society’s stereotypes and perceptions. We also want to build empathy and understanding in children for when they see someone who appears to be different. If you can help in any way, we’d greatly appreciate it! We are here if you have any questions.  Your partners in education, Mrs. McLennan and Miss J.

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