Thursday, May 5, 2016

Places of Wonder and Discovery

We continue to look for opportunities to create areas of beauty, wonder and discovery in our classroom in order to inspire children and provoke learning opportunities. Here are some highlights of our room today...
Clipboards displayed in a shelf with children's drawing and writing to celebrate their growth...
Textured fabric quilted together to cover bulletin boards and present interesting patterns...

Child sculptures displayed on the snack table to inspire conversation...

A planting area with literacy connections in a sunny spot...

Documentation integrated with interesting materials and tools at the children's level...

Containers of interesting objects placed in various spots in the classroom...

Literacy materials displayed for function and beauty...

Woven creations hung above tables to inspire beauty above...

Natural materials and textures in the drama centre to inspire creative play...

Transparent documentation integrated into displays to captivate...

Black and white photos capture attention when placed on a quilted background...

Beautiful materials displayed in the art area beckoning to be used...

Whimsical materials capture attention and draw children to the mailbox and hopefully writing letters to their friends...

Displays on shelves offer interesting colours and patterns...

Our collection of natural materials inspires conversation and research...

Literature is integrated with artifacts to provoke exploration and reading...

Beautiful materials celebrate children as capable, invested learners...

Collections in the reading area invite children to visit and spend time exploring...

A quiet corner becomes an escape...

The individuality of children is reflected in the display of their learning portfolios and the spirit of our natural school is reflected in the display...

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