Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Show and Share

Did you know that in our class we do 'show and share'?  Unlike the more traditional 'show and tell' where children bring an object to school to share with others, we have a sign-up board in our room that children can use if they wish to show and discuss something they made or did during center time. We have show and share during our closing morning and afternoon circles. We like using the 'show and share' model because in addition to promoting oral language skills in our children, it encourages them to reflect on their involvement and learning in our classroom and promotes ideas of what to do during center time to others. Often when children describe what they have done during show and share time, others in the class are eager to try the activity at the next possible opportunity!

Why don't you ask your child if she or he has signed up for show and share time yet? If so then ask them to tell you what they shared with their peers. If not, perhaps you can encourage him or her to consider sharing ideas in the future!

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