Friday, September 9, 2011

The First Day

The day on the calendar has been circled long ago with eager anticipation. Special clothing hangs in the closet and the new backpack has gone for several practice trips with your little one parading around the house. Here’s what you need to know about our first day.

√ School begins at 9:00am and ends at 3:30pm. Children can be picked up in our classroom at the end of the day. We will keep all walkers on our class carpet until they are dismissed to an adult or older student on our class list. Please make sure you inform us as to who has permission to pick up your child. We will not release the children to anyone not on our list, unless a note or phone call has been placed to the office.

√ Pack 2 “lunches” in one lunch bag for our 2 nutrition breaks. For example you might pack for the first break: a sandwich, drink, apple slices, yogourt; and for the second break: crackers, cheese, grapes, granola bar, and water. Discuss with your child ahead of time how he or she will determine what to eat at which break. Some families designate food by marking it with a “1” or “2”. Others divide the lunch bag and put food in a certain spot.

√ Please send the following to school as soon as possible: a pair of indoor running shoes to remain at school, a set of extra clothing (shirt, pants, socks, underwear) to remain in your child's backpack in the event of emergencies, something for your child to snuggle if needed (stuffed animal, blanket), a 4 by 6 inch photo of your entire family to be displayed in the classroom (preferably a horizontal pose)

√ Please label anything that comes to school with your child’s name

√ Donations of crayons, markers, glue sticks, etc. are always appreciated. As well the following items are always useful and much appreciated for our art area: the front covers of old greeting cards, odds and ends like buttons, ribbon scraps, foam packing material, wrapping paper, yarn, leftover scrap booking paper or stickers, and any other materials that can be manipulated by children at the art center.

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