Monday, September 12, 2011

Our First Day!

Our first day together was wonderful! The children were so excited to meet each other and play together!


Played at the drama center

Explored Play Dough

Created habitats with the insects and animals at the building center

Ate our snack and lunches

Created at the art center

Drew pictures


Read books

Decorated our names with natural materials

Played in messy sand

Used the animals, little people and furniture to tell stories

Can you tell it was a busy day?

Families, please remember to send in a pair of indoor shoes for your child and a 4 by 6 family photo to remain at school. Please remember to return all forms sent home today in your child's mailbag. Please remember to label everything that comes to school too, including backpacks, coats, lunch boxes, and shoes.  Thank you!

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