Monday, August 23, 2010

Importance of Play

Play equals learning.  As children learn how to play, they learn how to learn. Here are some frequently asked questions about Kindergarten:

  • Why are they playing all day?
  • When will my child do seat work?
  • What are they learning?
As adults, we learn the most complicated of skills through experience. While one can read books about driving a car or parenting a child, there is no substitute for the actual experience. The same is true of young children. They learn through doing the active experiences provided to them in Kindergarten.

Active, enjoyable play is the basis of our Kindergarten program. We are trained to support and facilitate learning through play. Our kindergarten classroom is designed to promote developmentally appropriate, curriculum-based activities that are interesting and fun for our students. The skills children must have to participate in play are the cornerstones of successful learners. Through play children learn to negotiate, to share, to communicate needs and wants, and to join a group and get along with others. Children learn to focus, to concentrate, to test and use trial and error, and to stay focused on a task.

Research shows that children who develop strong play skills at an early age have future academic success in school. You can be confident that you child is indeed learning through play in our classroom!

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